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Student Assistant Guide: Updates/ Communications

Spring 2024 Updates

I hope that you have all settled nicely into the new semester. Please read the information below containing some important reminders about working in the library. 

Please reply to this email so that I can be sure that you have seen it.

If you have any questions, you can ask me in your response, you can always ask one of the circ supervisors, and of course, you can always look back at the training modules. Thanks, everyone!


Checking out Materials

  • ALL library materials should be checked out in Alma, including interlibrary loan, items from the Holds Shelf, and Reserves (though these may require additional steps)

    • Items from the Holds Shelf (including ILL and Resource Sharing) - fill out the name slip and place it in the bin at your station.

    • Reserves and other short term loans - Inform patrons that the item is due in three hours and hold their ID while the item is out.

    • DVDs - make sure the case is unlocked.

Checking in Materials

  • ALL library materials should be checked in in Alma EXCEPT for ILL and Resource Sharing materials (wrapped in a paper band). These items can be placed directly on ILL return shelf on the side of the Circulation Supervisor's desk. If you check in one of these items by accident, please let the Circulation Supervisor know.   

Student Schedules - Your Google Calendars and You

  • Your google calendar is the calendar of record. If your name is on the shared calendar and the shift is on your individual calendar, we are expecting you. Please keep an eye on these calendars and get in touch if something isn't adding up. 

  • You can also find open shifts to pick up by looking at the shared calendar.

Using the Substitute Binder

  • The binder can be used to seek coverage for your shifts and to find shifts to pick up.

  • Shifts entered in the binder are substitution requests, meaning that they are not automatically approved. 

  • Student Assistants should not ever be initialing a request. The initial in the binder indicates that the request has been entered into the google calendar by a Circulation Supervisor. The initial in the binder does NOT indicate that leave has been approved.

Last minute call outs and sick days

  • While we appreciate your reliability and dedication, we really do want you to stay home when you are sick. We will actually be better staffed if we don't all catch whatever you've got.

  • You earn sick time! If you call out sick, use some of your sick time in your timesheet.

  • Always call in and speak to a circulation supervisor (845-575-3106) if you aren't going to make it in.


How to use this page.

Use the dropdowns within this tab to select communications from previous semesters.