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Distance Learner Library Guide -- Marist Library Resources for Distance Students: Home

Using Library Resources Online

Reference Help
Reference help is always available where ever you are.  Go to the Library's home page and Chat with a reference librarian live or send us an email using the Ask-A-Librarian form.

Visit the Subject/Major guide for your area of study.
Relevant databases and websites have been pre-selected by the Library staff and department faculty.  Subject guides are available also through the Library's home page.

FoxHunt is our academic alternative to Google. Intuitive and easy to use, FoxHunt searches relevant scholarly and academic resources provided by the Library from a single search box.  Results link to full text articles.


FoxHunt logoFoxHunt


Search the Library databases and the catalog

Limiting Search results to "Online Only"

To limit a FoxHunt search to only items which can be accessed digitally, limit your results by selecting a digital content type from your initial search (such as eBooks or streaming videos) or by selecting "Items available online" in the limiters on on the left hand side of the full results page.


Many, but not all, of the ebooks in the James A. Cannavino Library can be accessed through Ebook Central.  Set up an  Ebook Central account to create bookshelves which allow you to save books, create folders, and even highlight passages and take notes.

To search for ebooks, visit Ebook Central directly, or limit a FoxHunt Search to include books and ebooks and limit to items with full text online.

Using Library Databases from Home

Off-Campus Access to Library Databases


Use your Marist Computing Account to access Library databases from off-campus.  The Help Desk will provide support with any problems you have with the Marist Computing Account.  Call the Library with questions about searching and accessing resources within those databases.


James A. Cannavino Library

3399 North Road
Poughkeepsie, NY 12601
(845) 575-3106