The more something is shared, the greater its value becomes." p. 27
Commodity: a substance or product that can be traded, bought, or sold. (CAMB)
Firekeeper: responsible for building and maintaining the ceremonial fire for community gatherings and events, a sacred and honored position in many Native American communities. (YA)
Natural Resources: resources, or materials that exist in nature and are not dependent on or made by human actions. The sun, land, ocean, animals, plants, and wind. (YA)
Parity: the quality or state of being equal or equivalent. (MW)
Platanos: plantains.
Persnickety: fussy about small details. (MW)
Powwow: a large gathering that invites nations and communities to honor the traditions of their ancestors through singing, music, dancing, and feasting. (YA)
Reciprocity: a mutual exchange or dependence that benefits both, each, and all but also includes mutual responsibilities. (YA)
Trifoliate: leaves that have three leaflets or little leaves. (YA)
3399 North Road
Poughkeepsie, NY 12601
(845) 575-3106