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2023-2024 Common Read - Braiding Sweetgrass: The Gift of Strawberries

The more something is shared, the greater its value becomes." p. 27

Wild Strawberry (Fragaria virginiana)

Image courtesy of The Spruce

Wild Strawberry Flowers

Image courtesy of Minnesota Wildflowers

Wild Strawberry Patch

Image courtesy of Minnesota Wildflowers


Commodity: a substance or product that can be traded, bought, or sold. (CAMB)

Firekeeper: responsible for building and maintaining the ceremonial fire for community gatherings and events, a sacred and honored position in many Native American communities. (YA)

Natural Resources: resources, or materials that exist in nature and are not dependent on or made by human actions. The sun, land, ocean, animals, plants, and wind. (YA)

Parity: the quality or state of being equal or equivalent. (MW)


Persnickety: fussy about small details. (MW)

Powwow: a large gathering that invites nations and communities to honor the traditions of their ancestors through singing, music, dancing, and feasting. (YA)

Reciprocity: a mutual exchange or dependence that benefits both, each, and all but also includes mutual responsibilities. (YA)

Trifoliate: leaves that have three leaflets or little leaves. (YA)

Additional Resources


James A. Cannavino Library

3399 North Road
Poughkeepsie, NY 12601
(845) 575-3106