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How to Use Claritas 360: Application of Reports

Who lives where?

Segment Distribution Reports

Shows how many households in your market fall into each of the 68 PRIZM Premier segments. Can help you determine if your target market has enough of your target segment in it to support your product or service. It can also help you determine which are the most common segments in your market to better understand your market makeup. 

Reports → Segmentation Reports → Market Overview Reports → Segment Distribution

Consumer Concentration Report

Helps find concentrations of your target demographic (females 18-24 for example) or your target PRIZM segment (Low rise living segment for example) in your, market. You can use this report again to get a sense of if there are enough of your target audience in a market to support your product or service. 

Reports → Standard Reports → Demographic Reports → Consumer Concentration Report

Who are your customers?

Profile Worksheet Report

Provides details on usage of a product or service by each segment within the entire country or a selected analysis area.

Reports → Segmentation Reports → Profiler Reports → Profile Worksheet

What are they like? How can I reach them?

Profile Ranking Index

This compares a specified collection of product, media, or demographic profiles against your product profile to determine which are used/occur at above‐average and below‐ average rates in the segments that have the highest concentrations of users for your product. Each profile from the collection of profiles is ranked by comparing its index to the product profile. Each profile is also ranked by (ROC) rank order correlation, which is a measure of the similarity between the index ordering of all segments across two profiles.

Rank order Correlation (ROC)- Matches how correlated two profiles are by assigning a value from 1 to -1.

1= perfect positive correlation, -1= perfect negative correlation, 0= not correlated.

Reports → Segmentation Reports → Profiler Reports → Profile Ranking Index

Target Segment Measures

This report exclusively relates to PRIZM Premier Segments, Social Groups, Lifestage Groups and the behaviors of those in your selected group in your selected market. It can help you determine if a target group participates in a target behavior to the degree that you need them to in your market to support your product or service.

Reports → Segmentation Reports → Lifestyler Reports → Target Segment Measures

Where can I find them?

Market Potential Report (Most commonly used)

This report shows how strong a behavior/profile is in your market. It can help you determine if your market has enough people or households participating in a target behavior to support a product or service. (You can only look at 30 variables at a time in a report)

Reports → Segmentation Reports → Lifestyler Reports → Market Potential 

Target Concentration Report- 

This report can be used in conjunction with the target segment measures. You can run the target segment measures to determine which groups have the highest concentrations of people or households participating in your target behaviors, then run the Target Concentration Report for those groups to see where you have the greatest number of households that fall into these groups for market consideration.

Reports → Segmentation Reports → Locator Reports → Target Concentration


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