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BUS420: Investment Analysis--Finnigan: Home


The Marist College Library has a number of resources that will compliment what you already use in Bloomberg.   On this page we list a sample of unique content available through the Library.  All these resources are available to you anywhere, both on and off campus.  Librarians are available to help you in-person and via Zoom.

Industry Research

  1. Type in the name of a company, a keyword describing an industry or a NAICS code.
  2. Select the report of greatest interest.

Insider Intelligence / eMarketer focuses on technological transformation in a broad range of industries.  It provides very timely reports, forecasts, analysis and benchmarks, charts and graphs. 

  1. Search by company name or industry keyword,
  2. or use the dropdown menus to select an area of interest and browse the latest publications.

S&P Capital IQ NetAdvantage

  1. Company Research Reports
    1. Type in the name of a company in the search box and hit "search".
    2. Click on the name of the company
    3. Using the left side menu, scroll down to the "Research" section, and select "Investment Research"
    4. A list of CFRA and Argus research reports will be displayed.  Make sure to select the most recent.
  2. How to Analyze a Company in an Industry
    1. Type in the name of a company in the search box and hit "search".
    2. Click on the name of the company.
    3. In the "Research" section of the menu on the left, select "Industry Surveys".
    4. Open the PDF of an industry survey.
    5. The entire report is very informative.  The section "How to Analyze a Company in this Industry" has a section on "Quantitative Analysis", including "Income Statement Analysis".
  3.  Other sections of interest accessible from the left side menu
    1. Financial Valuation
    2. Credit Ratings
    3. Peer Analysis Quick Comps


Zacks Equity Research

  1. Type the name of your company into the search box and click "search"
  2. You will be shown reports for the most recent 2 years.  ON THE LEFT, dropdown the menu for "TimeLine".
  3. Type in dates to limit to the most recent 3 months.
  4. Scroll to locate the most recent report.
  5. Click on the name of the company.  You will be shown an ABSTRACT (not the full report).
  6. Right below the first paragraph and before the heading "Classification" is the link, "Full Text of the Report in PDF"
  7. Click on the link "Full Text of the Report in PDF"


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Brittany Costa
For immediate assistance email Ask-A-Librarian or call the Reference Desk at 845-575-3292

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Office Phone: 845-575-2720


James A. Cannavino Library

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