The Archives & Special Collections contain unique materials related to a variety of topics including Marist History. Resources are available online or stop by Library room 134 with questions.
The Archives & Special Collections contain unique materials related to a variety of topics including Marist History. Resources are available online or stop by Library room 134 with questions.
A leading full-text scientific database offering journal articles and book chapters from more than 2,500 peer-reviewed journals and more than 11,000 books.
The ePublication archive (ePubs) records the scientific output of the Chilbolton, Daresbury, and Rutherford Appleton Laboratories in the form of Journal Articles, Conference Papers, Technical Reports, ePrints, Theses and Books.
The mission of Physics Today is to be a unifying influence for the diverse areas of physics and the physics-related sciences. Publication of the American Institute of Physics.
Publishes cutting-edge research reports, commentaries, reviews, perspectives, colloquium papers, and actions of the Academy. Coverage in PNAS spans the biological, physical, and social sciences.
Publishing the finest peer-reviewed research in all fields of science and technology on the basis of its originality, importance, interdisciplinary interest, timeliness, accessibility, elegance and surprising conclusions.
Publisher: Helicon Publishing
Packed with facts, this reference aims to provide clear answers to all sorts of scientific questions in concise summaries, easy-access tables and handy glossaries. Over 500 biographies are also included.
A comprehensive physics and astronomy online education, research and reference web site. In addition to providing high-quality content, is a meeting place for professionals, students and other curious minds.
Contains the world's most encyclopedic collection of information about mathematical functions. The site also details the interrelationships between the special functions of mathematical physics and the elementary functions of mathematical analysis as well as the interrelationships between the functions in each group.