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Student Assistant Training: Module 2

Circulation Desk

Circulation Desk

Student Assistants spend most of their scheduled time at the Circulation Desk. Responsibilities here include circulation of materials (books, DVDs, reserve items, and more) as explained in the training on circulation of materials.

This location is also the primary point of contact for students, faculty, and staff using the library or visiting the building. Make a good impression!

Customer Service is a CRITICAL skill in this position. Students at both desks should be alert and aware of their surroundings, and maintain a desk space welcoming to patrons. Patrons should never be kept waiting because you are unaware of their presence. Greeting and assisting patrons is your number one priority.

Circulation of Materials

Circulation of Materials

Log into Alma using the link on your station desktop or from the Library Student Assistant Libguide. Sign in using your Marist authentication.


(see additional instructions for Interlibrary loan books, SUNY Resource Sharing books, and Reserve Books).

How to check out:

  1. Take the patron’s Marist ID. If they do not have their ID, do not take their CWID verbally. Refer to supervisor.
  1. Examine books for damage before charging.
  2. Charge out in Alma.
  3. A due date will be automatically generated and sent via email.
  4. Desensitize books, fill out the bookmarks, and hand to patron.

How to check in:

  1. Examine books for damage before discharging. Refer any problems to a supervisor.
  2. We do not need a ID or patron present for a return whether they drop off items at the desk or in the book drop.
  3. Discharge in Alma.
  4. Re-sensitize books and return books to cart in call number order.



DVDs may be located in any of the following locations:

  1. Circulating (2nd floor shelving before reference) - circulates
  2. Permanent Reserve (behind circulation desk) – short term loan
  3. Course Reserve (behind circulation desk) – short term loan

How to check out:

  1. Unlock the DVD case.
  2. Check for any missing or damaged discs.
  3. Check out in Alma. Fill out the bookmark.
  4. A due date will be automatically generated and sent via email.
  5. Do not desensitize.
  6. If patron is leaving the library, hand the DVD to them around the gate alarm.

How to check in:

  1. Check for any missing or damaged discs.
  2. Discharge in Alma.
  3. Lock the DVD case.
  4. Do not sensitize. This will kill the DVD.
  5. Return DVD to proper place on shelving cart.



Laptop policies:

  • Laptops may not be used or taken beyond the library alarm gates.
  • May be used by current students only, or at supervisor’s discretion.
  • May only be issued in exchange for a Marist ID. No exceptions unless directed by the Circulation Supervisor.
  • Issued for 3 hours.

Contents of accessory bags:

  • Power cords—may only be issued with a laptop

How to check out:

  1. Ask patron to complete laptop form on the clipboard above the Holds Shelf; check all information is complete—name, date and laptop number.
  2. Charge laptop and accessory bag out in Alma:
  • Scan all barcodes—laptop and accessory bag.
  1. Clip ID to numbered laptop card and place on counter in front of supervisor’s desk.

How to check in a laptop:

  1. Perform visual inspection:
  • Open accessory bag to check for broken or missing items.
  • Report any problems to supervisor.
  1. If necessary, ask patron to power laptop down.
  2. Return patron’s ID.
  3. Discharge laptop in Alma:
  • Scan all barcodes—laptop and accessory bag.
  1. Return laptop, accessory bag, and numbered laptop card to the shelf immediately

Laptop not functioning:

  • Inform Circulation Supervisor immediately (before returning).

Reserve Items

Reserve Items are items that a professor placed on hold for a class. These items have a three- hour loan limit and cannot leave the building. They are located on the shelves behind the circulation supervisor’s desk.

How to check out:

  1. Examine items for damage or missing items before issuing to patron.
  2. Charge out in Alma and place patron’s ID in reserve box on counter or attach to appropriate tag.
    1. If the item is a personal copy, scan the item on the manila insert and keep the insert at the circ desk with the ID.
  3. Inform the patron that items may not leave the library and should be returned within 3 hours.

How to check in:

  1. Examine items for damage or loss of contents. Refer any problems to a supervisor.
  2. Return Marist ID card to student.
  3. Discharge in Alma.
  4. Return items to proper location.

Short-term Loan Items

Study supply kits, dry erase marker kits, Presentation Practice Room Remotes, DVD Players

How to check out:

  1. Examine items for damage or missing items before issuing to patron.
  2. Charge out in Alma and place patron’s ID in reserve box on counter, or attach to appropriate tag.
  3. Inform patron that items may not leave the library and should be returned within 3 hours.

How to check in:

  1. Examine items for damage or loss of contents. Refer any problems to a supervisor.
  2. Return Marist ID card to student.
  3. Discharge in Alma.
  4. Return items to proper location.


Holds Shelf Items

Requested Library Items, InterLibrary Loans, and SUNY Resource Sharing Materials are interfiled on the shelves directly behind the Library Student Assistant stations. ILL books are books coming from other college libraries. Books and DVDs from participating college libraries may be borrowed through SUNY Resource Sharing.

Item holds

Patrons can request library materials to be pulled from the shelf and held for them to check out at the circulation desk. These hold items are kept on the shelf directly behind the Library Student Assistant Stations. IF THE ITEM IS NOT ON THE SHELF, PLEASE REFER TO THE SUPERVISOR.  The requested items are shelved with a slip, stored next to the hold items, detailing when the request was placed and when the patron intends to pick up the item. If a patron calls to request a hold on an item, refer them to the Circulation Desk Supervisor.

How to Check Out a Requested Hold item from the Holds shelf:

  1. Take out hold slip from item and place it in the bin beside the Library Student Assistant Computer.
  2. Check out the item in Alma as you normally would. Fill out the bookmarks, and hand to patron.
  3. Desensitize the item of appropriate (do not desensitize DVDs)
  4. Hand to patron.
  5. IF a patron decides that they do not want a requested hold item, or if it expires, the item must be scanned in/returned in Alma before being reshelved.

How to check out an ILL or SUNY Resource Sharing item:

  1. Locate items on the shelf (organized alphabetically by patron name)
    1. Close the gap where the book is left.
  2. Check the item out in Alma using the barcode on the printout. Keep the label on the book.
  3. Fill out the bookmarks, and hand to patron.
  4. Desensitize item and hand it to patron.

How to check in an SUNY Resource Sharing or ILL item:

  • Place on the InterLibrary Loan and SUNY Resource Sharing return shelf to the side of the Circulation Supervisor’s desk under the items returned label.

Renewing an ILL or SUNY Resource Sharing item:

  1. If due date has not expired, direct patrons to sign into their ILL account on the library website and select the renewal request option. It cannot be renewed in ALMA.
  2. Please inform patrons that items are not renewed until they receive an email confirmation from the library.
  3. If due date has expired, refer to a supervisor.

Phone Instructions

The primary responsibility for answering the phone falls to the student sitting closest to the telephone; however, everyone should be alert and ready to respond.

Answering a call

“Library circulation desk; (Full Name) speaking. May I help you?”

  1. If you are assisting a patron when the phone rings:
    •  Ask a fellow student or a supervisor to take the call
    • If you are alone, ask the patron if they would mind waiting a moment before answering the phone. Then answer,

“Library Circulation Desk; (Full Name) speaking. Will you please hold?”

Wait for an answer. If patron is willing to hold, say “Thank you” and proceed to step 4. If not, explain that you are assisting someone else and ask if they would please call back.

  1. To place a call on hold:
  2. Press “HOLD” (the middle button located at the bottom of the phone).
  3. To return to the call:
  4. Pick up the receiver, and then press the “HOLD” button again.

Try to return to the call within 2 minutes.

  1. To transfer a call:
  2. Suggested script:

“One moment please while I transfer you to PERSON’S NAME at EXTENSION NUMBER.”

  1. Press “TRANSFER” (the right hand button located at the bottom of the phone).
  2. Key in the extension number.
  3. Hang up.

Staff extension numbers are listed alphabetically by last name on the phone.  For other Marist employees and departments, transfer the call to the extension 3000.

To make a call, pick up the phone and dial the 4 digit extension. The number you should remember is ext. 5555 which is security for emergencies. The non-emergency line for security is ext. 2282. The numbers are listed at the desk.

Gate Alarm Instructions

Whenever the gate alarm sounds you need to take action!

The primary responsibility falls to the student sitting closest to the gate; however, everyone should be alert and ready to respond.

  • The gate alarm can ring for two main reasons:
  1. Library items have not been charged and/or desensitized:
    • Library books
    • Circulating laptops
    • Collaborative room keys
    • DVDs/Videos
    • Periodicals
    • ILL items
  1. Non-library items may also trigger the security system:
    • Items from other libraries
    • Textbooks from the bookstore
    • Used books and textbooks which used to be library items
    • Notebooks and folders

What you should do

  1. Ask patron to return to the circulation desk
  2. Ask if they have any items that might have triggered the alarm (make suggestions from above listed items). Desensitize items.
  3. Ensure that Marist Library property has been charged to the patron’s account and properly desensitized; then return to the patron.
  4. Have patron walk through the gate again to ensure the problem is solved.

If you find any items that do not circulate (i.e., laptops, journals, DVDs, videos); pages ripped out of Library materials; other questionable items which have set off the alarm; or if the situation becomes more complex, refer the situation to a member of staff immediately.

Elevator Instructions

  1. The elevator to the first floor may be used upon request.
  2. The elevator panel is located on the wall behind the supervisor desk.
  • Press 1 for First Floor Inside (“stacks”)
  • Press 1R for First Floor Exit (“down and out”)
  1. Students should monitor the elevator at all times.

The primary responsibility falls to the student sitting closest to the elevator; however, everyone should be alert and ready to respond.

Intercom Instructions

  1. The intercom is located beside the student station on the left side of the circulation desk.

Instructions for the use of the intercom are located in the flipbooks at each Student Assistant station and beside the intercom.

Building Tour

Introduce patron count and have the student count patrons during the library tour.

  • Remind them to look for leaks and building issues during count.
  • Go over count instructions (ex. Don't count classes, people walking, etc.)

2ND Floor

  1. Reference books / LoC order
  2. Graphic Novels
  3. New Books
  4. Juvenile Books
  5. Current periodicals 
  6. A/V viewing stations
  7. Scanners
  8. Microfilm Reader
  9. Hole punch, stapler, supply storage drawer
  10. Reference desk /librarian station
  11. Research office for consultations

1st floor

  1. Periodicals A-Z
  2. Circulating books / LoC Order
  3. Oversize circulating books
  4. Archives / Special Collections (open weekdays 9 – 5 only; some access via reference librarian on weekends)
  5. Newspapers-back issues
  6. Computers / study space
  7. Silent Study room
  8. Collaborative rooms 110, 111, 112 (112 currently unavailable for use)
  9. 1st floor office/ kitchen
  10. Back door (Buzzer at Circ Desk connects here. Requires a Key Card)

3rd Floor

  1. Most Collaborative Room locations
  2. Honors reading room
  3. Digital Education
  4. Language lab
  5. Digital classrooms
  6. Mair room
  7. President Emeritus Murray’s Office
  8. Academic Suite
    1. Center for Multicultural Affairs / HEOP
    2. International Student Programs
    3. Academic Learning Center
    4. Writing Center  


James A. Cannavino Library

3399 North Road
Poughkeepsie, NY 12601
(845) 575-3106