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Physician Assistant Subject Guide: PubMed Tutorials

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Diagrams Showing How to Access Full Text

If the free text is available, Click on the Free Text in the Right Hand Column on the Article Record Page

Screenshot of PubMed record showing where to access full text of free articles


In The Page That Opens, Select the PDF Option on the Upper Right Hand Side

Screenshot showing where in PubMed to retrieve the PDF of a free article

After clicking on an article, click on the Marist College icon under "Full Text Links" at the top of the right hand column on the Article Record page.

Screenshot showing where to click on Marist College icon in right hand column to locate full text in PubMed

This link opens a page with links to full text through library databases or provides access to Interlibrary Loan so that it can be requested from another library.

Screenshot showing page with access to full text through library databases

Screenshot of a page showing no access to full text through the library and the need to use Interlibrary Loan to get the full text emailed to you


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