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How to Use MRI Simmons Catalyst: Home

What is MRI Simmons Catalyst

MRI Simmons-Catalyst is a database containing data about consumer behavior, media consumption, and attitudes.

Data in MRI Simmons Catalyst comes from a national consumer study, including data from a survey of adults across the United States.

The previous version of Catalyst was referred to as MRI-Simmons Insights. For more information about the change, visit the page Insights vs. Catalyst.

Accessing MRI Simmons Catalyst

MRI Simmons Catalyst can be found on the A-Z list of databases as well as on subject guides and course guides.

To access MRI Simmons Catalyst through Marist College, you must use a link from the library website to be sent through the Marist authentication system.

Once you follow the link to MRI Simmons Catalyst, be sure to click the "Proceed" button. From there you have access to view Quick Reports or create your own Crosstabs. 

Maximum Simultaneous Users

Marist provides access to MRI Simmons Catalyst for a maximum of 20 simultaneous users, so please sign out when you are not using the database, and if you are unable to gain access, please try again in a bit.

Getting Help

Help guides are available on the database "Support" page, accessed by clicking on the question mark in the menu bar.

Introducing Brand Catalyst (11 min)

An introduction to Brand Catalyst

How to Use Catalyst (video - 48 minutes)

Introducing Simmons Insights (5 min)

A 5 minute introduction to Simmons Insights.

Welcome to Simmons Insights (28 min. webinar recording)

Introduces Simmons insights, including constructing crosstabs and Quick Reports.

Quick Reports begin at 19 minutes.

Get Help

Get Help

Have an idea for a tutorial that we should make next? Let us know!


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