The Archives & Special Collections contain unique materials related to a variety of topics including Marist History. Resources are available online or stop by Library room 134 with questions.
The Archives & Special Collections contain unique materials related to a variety of topics including Marist History. Resources are available online or stop by Library room 134 with questions.
The MERLOT system provides access to curated online learning and support materials and content creation tools, led by an international community of educators, learners and researchers.
OER Commons is a public digital library of open educational resources. Explore, create, and collaborate with educators around the world to improve curriculum.
Automatically maps top-quality courses to your curriculum to get your students learning online quickly. CourseMatch is a pilot of Coursera's machine learning solution to match your on-campus courses to the most relevant courses on Coursera.
QUBES is a community of math and biology educators who share resources and methods for preparing students to use quantitative approaches to tackle real, complex, biological problems.