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Investment Center Guide: Investment Research

PrivCo (New Fall16)

  • 900,000+ Company profiles operating in countries throughout the world
  • 19,000+ Private Equity Deals
  • 58,000+ M & A Deals
  • 59,000+ VC/Funding Rounds

Report sections include:

  • Business Summary
  • Recent News, updates, analysis
  • Overview and corporate organization
  • Industry information
  • Competitors and comparables
  • Ownership table
  • Charts, financials, statistics
  • VC Funding Activity Table

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S&P Capital IQ

S&P Capital IQ provides extensive international investment analysis covering stocks, currencies, markets and industries. Major report types include:

  • "Industry Surveys" (dozens of pages in length)
  • "Stock Reports" (5 pages)
  • Investment reports from hundreds of investment analysis firms worldwide
  • SEC filings
  • Professional biographies
  • The "Corporate Timeline" lists recent daily events of management changes, major product orders, new product releases, business transactions, earnings and dividends, law suits and legal issues and M&A activities.   
  • Financial statements provide links from each figure back to the 10K from which the number was derived. 
  • The "Annotated Stock Price Chart" correlates stock price points with various corporate events. 
  • "Market Profiles" are available for major industries detailing constituent companies, key professionals and summary statistics. 
  • "Geographic Market Profiles" provide quantitative snapshots of major industries in the region and key statistics and ratios.
  • The Outlook  (use the button on the top menu)
  • Assessment of the previous week on the stock market
  • Profiles of stocks
  • Sub-industry outlook
  • Model portfolios

Fitch Country Reports (Business Monitor International)


IBISWorld Industry Research Reports

The 40 - 50 pages reports, focused on US industries and sub-industries as defined by NAICS codes. They discuss :

  • Business environment profile
  • Supply chain
  • Key external drivers
  • Outlook
  • Products and markets
  • Competitive landscape
  • Major companies operating in the industry

Other sections of note.

Global Industry Reports- 74 industries covered with an emphasis on Manufacturing industries.

China Industry Reports- 280 industries covered with an emphasis on Manufacturing Industries.

US Industry IExpert Summaries.- Includes brief synopsis of larger IBISWorld report as well as Call Preparation Questions. Call preparations questions cover role specific, external and internal impact questions.



Passport (Euromonitor) -- Global Market Research

Passport has 3 general categories of information

  • Industry Research Reports
    • Consumer products
    • Service Industry
    • Supply Industry
  • Economies Research Reports (Countries worldwide)
    • Business Dynamics
    • Economy, Finance and Trade
  • Consumer Research Reports
    • Digital Consumer
    • Households
    • Lifestyles
    • Population

Statistical tables are accessible through the reports.

First Research Industry Profiles

First Industry Research Profiles publish quarterly industry reports 15-20 pages in length. About half of each report features interviews with executive practitioners discussing the unique challenges and opportunities facing their industry.  Other sections of the reports address:

  • Competitive landscape
  • Products operations and technology
  • Sales & marketing
  • Finance & regulation
  • Regional highlights
  • Human Resources situation
  • Industry Growth Rating, forecast and drivers
  • Critical issues, business challenges, trends and opportunities

Business Insights

Business Insights provides access to four different types of documents with company specific information.

  • GlobalData SWOT reports
  • Investment analyst reports (3-20 pages in length)
  • Company History
  • Market Share and Business Rankings


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