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2021-2022 Common Read - Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man: Home

Using this Guide

The pages on this guide correspond to the chapter titles from the book, Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man

Each page contains boxes for:

  • Books and Essays/Articles mentioned in the chapter
  • Films mentioned in the chapter (if applicable)
  • Poems mentioned in the chapter (if applicable)
  • A Video that corresponds with the chapter's theme (if applicable)
  • Chapter sources cited by Acho in the References at the end of the book

All items mentioned within the book and Acho's videos can be found on the pages linked below:

To find a specific item visit the pages above and search using "Command F" or "Control F" or use the search bar in the upper right to search this guide.

While we have put all of the sources mentioned in the book on this guide, the library does not have all of them in the collection.  It may be necessary to request some items using Interlibrary Loan and SUNY Resource Sharing

Further Reading

Books & eBooks

Essays, Articles, & Podcasts


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Elizabeth Clarke
For immediate assistance email Ask-A-Librarian or call the Reference Desk at 845-575-3292

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Office phone: 845-575-2733


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Nancy Calabrese
For immediate assistance email Ask-A-Librarian or call the Reference Desk at 845-575-3292

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Office phone: 845-575-3000 ext. 2523


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