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United States Census Bureau Statistics: United States Census Bureau

Research U.S. Census Bureau statistics in this guide including the U.S. Census, American Community Survey and Economic Census.


Research U.S. Census Bureau statistics in this guide.

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Frequency of Data

The U.S. Census Bureau collects data at different frequencies:

  • Decennial (every ten years)
  • Quinnquennial (every five years)
  • Annually (yearly)
  • Quarterly (four times a year)
  • Monthly
  • Variable or Irregular (collection does not follow a set schedule)

Types of Data Collected by the U.S. Census Bureau

  • Demographic Data: information on population, including age, race, gender, ethnicity, location, home ownership and employment
  • Economic and Business Data:  information on the U.S. Economy such as sales, industries, business patterns and the workforce
  • Government Data: information on federal, state and local governments including budgets and employment
  • Historical Data: information dating from 1790 to present on demographics, economy and government

United States Census Bureau

Mission: "serve as the leading source of quality data about the nation's people and economy"

To learn more about the U.S. Census Bureau, visit their site or explore their tutorial videos below.

Census Tutorials/Webinars


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(845) 575-3106