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Writing Center: Writing Center Services

Writing Center Services

This semester, the Writing Center will be operating entirely online, which means that a number of our services have changed.

Writing Resources for Students and Instructors:

We have a number of writing resources available on iLearn for both students and instructors, with more being added every week. Join our iLearn site and click the “Writing Resources” tab on the left.

Join our site in five easy steps:

  1. Sign into iLearn 
  2. Click on the Membership Tab  
  3. Click on Joinable Sites  
  4. Find the site: Marist Writing Center
  5. Join the site  

One-on-One Writing Center Sessions (ONLINE ONLY)

The Writing Center offers one-on-one writing tutoring to all students on campus, both undergraduate and graduate students, in all fields of study and at all levels of study. Students can make an appointment for a Writing Center session by visiting Our Writing Center is staffed by a combination of professional staff and peer undergraduate tutors, and students can pick who they want to work with when they make an appointment. Our tutors have experience working with writers at all stages of the writing process--from choosing a topic and drafting a thesis statement to re-organizing a draft and making the final edits. We can work with students on pretty much any type of writing project they might be working on, including both academic and non-academic writing. So whether they’re working on a PowerPoint presentation for a sociology class, a lab report for biology, an application essay for grad school, or a forum post for their First-Year Seminar course, our tutors are here to help. 


We offer two types of online tutoring services: Virtual Face-to-Face tutoring and email draft tutoring. 


  • Virtual F2F Tutoring: Our Virtual F2F (face-to-face) tutoring services are essentially a video call with a tutor where the tutor and student can virtually connect and work on the same online document simultaneously. It’s a great option for your students who are just getting started writing and want to brainstorm some ideas. It’s also great for students who have a draft that they need to revise, but they’re not quite sure where to start. 


  • Email Draft Tutoring: Email tutoring, our asynchronous tutoring option, lets students upload a draft to a tutor and receive written feedback on the day of their scheduled email appointment. This feedback is meant to be facilitative—we focus on students’ ideas, we make sure they’re meeting the goals of the assignment, and we let them know what’s working well and what could be improved in future drafts. And while we do not edit student papers, we can teach them how to proofread their own work.


Writing Workshops and Retreats for Students (ONLINE ONLY)

In addition to our one-on-one conferences, the Writing Center offers writing workshops on various topics (like how to write a strong thesis statement, how to organize ideas in writing, and how to get started on a new writing assignment). We also hold writing retreats where students can join us virtually for two hours of structured writing time with tutors on hand for help. Schedules will be posted on the Writing Center’s iLearn site.



James A. Cannavino Library

3399 North Road
Poughkeepsie, NY 12601
(845) 575-3106