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BUS425: Advanced Topics in Entrepreneurship--Recher: Industry Overviews


NAICS, which stands for "North American Industry Classification System" is used to classify statistical and financial information in the US, Canada and Mexico.  These 6 digits codes allow for fairly specific industry categorization and are used by a number of databases. 

NAICS, is upgraded every 5 years, most recently in 2022.  In each revision there are changes.  A code used in one edition may no longer be used in the upgraded version.  The NAICS page allows you to search through codes from 2022, 2017 and 2012.  Some databases may continue using the prior codes for a year or two.

Industry Research

S&P Net Advantage

Choose a company through their name or ticker symbol. Once you pull up the company profile look under the primary industry classification section. Here you can find industry surveys on many companies. They tend to be broader though but include Porter's Five Forces Analyses.



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