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MPA513: Program Planning and Evaluation: Literature Review


This page provides links and descriptions to several databases in the James A. Cannavino Library that will provide useful information for your literature review.

Sage Journals

Sage Journals Online (SJO)  has strong content in many fields, including Public Administration, Criminal Justice, and Management and Organizational Studies.  If you search all SJO titles, articles most relevant to your search term will be displayed first.  However, if you would like to focus on one of the subsets listed above, then use the "Advanced Search" option.  From the "Advanced Search Screen" you can limit the search to:

1)  "Public Administration Journals". (Public Administration, Criminal Justice and Management and Organizational Studies are all sub-topics within "Social Sciences & Humanities".)  Look at the middle of the screen for the words "Search Within".  Select the Radio Button "Select from a list of disciplines".  A list of main subject categories will appear.  Click on the "Plus sign" next to the category "Social Sciences & Humanities".  A full list of subtopics will then open.

2)  A specific journal title.  In the search boxes area at the top of the screen, drop down the "All Fields" menu and select "Journal Name".


Administration & Society

Public Personnel Management

American Review of Public Administration

Public Policy and Administration

Global Social Policy 

Public Works Management & Policy

International Review of Administrative Sciences

Review of Public Personnel Administration

Journal of Infrastructure Development

State and Local Government Review
Local Economy: The Journal of the Local Economy Policy Unit.

Teaching Public Administration

Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly Work Future Review
Planning Theory



Social Work Abstracts

Use Social Work Abstracts to locate journal articles with evaluations of programs in social work initiatives, drug abuse, etc.  Use tersm such as "program evaluation", "program assessment", "research", and "evidence-based practice". 

Business Source Premier

Business Source Premier includes many journals in the field of management and Public Administration.  It includes:

Public Administration Quarterly
Public Administration Research
Public Administration Review


Although PubMed is primarily a medical research database, it does contain articles about public health, mental health, and drug abuse programs and their evaluation.   Use the subject heading "Systematic Reviews" to find articles dealing with program evaluation.

National Criminal Justice Reference Center (NCJRS)

NCJRS will have journal articles and agency reports and evaluations of programs in criminal justice, community policing, community health, etc.  Use the subject heading "Program Evaluation" with the type of program of interest.


James A. Cannavino Library

3399 North Road
Poughkeepsie, NY 12601
(845) 575-3106