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FYS101: Family Matters: Reference Books

Some Notes on Reference Sources

1) Reference resources are considered pre-research and should be explored before looking for scholarly articles. 

2) Reference resources are great for gaining a better understanding of a subject, finding keywords, and exploring different viewpoints of a topic.

3) Reference resources including viewpoints are not usually deemed appropriate resources for fulfilling the source requirements in final papers and annotated bibliographies.

Reference Databases

Reference can be a wonderful thing when researching a topic you know little about. The databases above can provide a wealth of information if you use the right search terms. In the general databases simply use terms like "Parenting" or maybe a more specific aspect of parenting you are interested in such as "Motherhood". To your left are some examples of great encyclopedias relevant to the topic. Below are some examples of interesting databases relevant to this classes topic. 

Opposing Opinions

Family Life Through History

Want to explore families in different times or in different cultures? Daily Life Through History allows you to access brief synopses of both  family life throughout different times periods as well as different cultures.  


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