he TEACH Act is a federal law that affords some protection to faculty teaching in the online environment, however; the protections are limited and come with responsibilities. The TEACH Act applies to transmissions of a performance, displaying images, playing motion pictures, sound recordings and performing works in an online class. In order to benefit from the TEACH Act, faculty use must be in compliance with copyright law. The statute allows faculty to provide access to copyright protected material such as displaying of a performance. The TEACH Act requires faculty to select only works deemed necessary to meet the pedagogical goals of the course. Furthermore, student access is to be restricted to students enrolled in the course and limited to such time period that faculty determines necessary to accomplish the course goals. Course syllabus must clearly admonish students from sharing course materials with anyone who is not enrolled in the course. Technological safe guards (password protection for the course site and prevention of downloading and printing) that prevent copying and redistributing of works displayed must be in place. The TEACH Act provides an option for the use of copyrighted works. Other options available to faculty include licensing or fair use.
17 USCS § 110 https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/USCODE-2011-title17/pdf/USCODE-2011-title17-chap1-sec110.pdf
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(845) 575-3106