An annotated bibliography resembles a works cited page, reference list, or bibliography because it will list properly cited sources about a topic in alphabetical order by author last name or source title. What makes it different than these is the inclusion of annotations written by you below each citation in the list.
There are two main types of Annotations:
The type you use will depend upon your professor's assignment. Check with them about what type of information they would like to see in the annotations.
Format Rules:
Smith, J. (2010). A brief history of clowns. New York: Circus Press.
This book examines the history of the clown throughout history. The author touches briefly on clowns in ancient and early modern history. This offers much stronger coverage of clown history in medieval times and from the 19th century to the present. The author contends that clowns have served as comic relief for centuries as well as serving as the earliest form of satire and political commentary. It is only with changing technologies and political freedoms that they have lost this important role.
Information based upon the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th edition.
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